Monday, August 8, 2011

My costumes

This November, for the third year in a row, my friends and I will be daring the Texas Renaissance Festival. For the past two years, we have learned something new with every trip, ranging from how to go through toll booths that first year, to the correct time to leave the festival to avoid the worst of the traffic.

I'm rather looking forward to seeing what we learn this year. :) That is the purpose of life, after all, the pursuit of knowledge.

At last years event, my friend declared that we would have 'themes' this year - pirate day and gypsy day and to be honest, we tried out hardest to adhere to those themes, but we all rather went out own happy directions and I cannot with honesty say that we are strictly 'pirates' or 'gypsies' as much as...a broad interpretation of the idea of pirates and gypsies.

I only have my own costumes to show today. I am nearly done with my friend - she of the 'theme' idea, but want to add the finishing touches and have not yet begun on the other and wouldn't be able to show off much more than an uncut pattern and a pile of neatly folded fabric.

At last years event, I fell in love with a particular costume and did my best to recreate it, though I could not but put my own personal spin on it. Such is life. It's not visible in the above shot, but the dress itself ends just above the knees and I'll be wearing trousers under, tucked into boots. I figure that if I was a pirate, I would dress mostly for comfort, as well as style.

This jacket, which was inspired by a truly awesome set of sleeves I saw the Fest, would be my 'fancy' outfit I would wear while going ashore. I also have a set of daggers and a hat to finish the outfit. I look more life a well-to-do Burgher than a pirate, but I like it and like I mentioned, this is a broad interpretation of the idea.

My gypsy costume is actually a bit more accurate, with that overdress doing a fair job of imitating a gwazhee (though not cut nearly as low over the bust as initially planned. I'm not sure why, but I just did not fancy that this year.) I also have a pair of purple trousers to wear under and a purple scarf for my hair. This year, it's all about the color.

And finally, a note about duct tape dummies: whoever initially came up with the idea (and wouldn't I have loved to be a fly on the wall for that conversation!) Thank you. My friends and I made them and they are a life-saver as well as damn clever and entertaining.

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