Looking around my house, my eyes keep falling on half-finished projects. A cross-stitch piece that would have been the front panel of a purse. A pattern for a nice dress and jacket set, a crocheted sweater, the pattern for a hat, all things I was making for her or had planned to give her for her birthday or xmas. Most of it will never be finished now, some will never be started. The sewing patterns will be added to my pattern collection, the cross stitch and crochet patterns added to my already full shelves, the fabric and yarn added to my stash, maybe to see use one day when I can look at it and not think about her.
Two things, one for her and one for me, I finished only today, too late to show her.
This sweater was for her. She's been asking for a sweater for a while, but we could never agree on a pattern or a yarn; I think we enjoyed the discussion more than anything else. I made this on a whim, thinking she would enjoy it and since it was something I picked, we would be able to continue our fruitless, never-ending argument. Now an argument that will truly never end.
It's made from four crocheted quilt squares that had originally been intended for a crocheted afghan, but in the end was converted to this sweater. I think it's rather pretty and it will go into my closet, though I'm not sure I will be able to wear it any time soon.
This poncho is for me, made from granny squares and carron so soft. I think the colors are great, not so bright it's uncomfortable to wear, but beautiful, slightly muted tones that just look great. Even mom thought so, when I showed her the half-finished project a couple weeks ago, before she began to loose her memory and ability to stay in the here and now.