First, an afghan I call "Paths". I took a trad quilt block and...moved it around a bit. The green and purple really pop against the bright pink and though it's not real obvious, a bit of varigated red.
This second one is also a quilt block I rearranged a bit, taking this and that and coming up with this little beauty. I call it Spring Flowers after the lovely wildflowers we get here in North Central Texas every spring.
This one is for the daughter of a friend. She is turning 2 in a couple weeks and needs a 'grown-up' blanket. I made her a little baby blanket when she was born and she has just about outgrown it. This is a very simple, but pretty, combination of two similar quilt blocks. So, for my friend's daughter, this is called Skylar.
I love sampler quilts, but I think I might have gone too far with this one. It's a bit...busy. :) That's okay, I'll keep it for myself. I'm also working on another sampler, but it's a lot 'calmer' than this one.
And, because I can do stuff other than crochet afghans, some beaded necklaces. School will be starting soon and I always like having new school supplies. I can't claim any great ingenuity for these, I bought strings of already strung beads and simply put them on new strings, added focal points and clasps. I think they came out nicely, though. :)